رئيس حزب الوفد
د.عبد السند يمامة
رئيس مجلس الإدارة
د.أيمن محسب
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رئيس حزب الوفد
د.عبد السند يمامة
رئيس مجلس الإدارة
د.أيمن محسب
رئيس التحرير
عاطف خليل

IT technologies in Saudi Arabia improve the lives of citizens

IT technologies in
IT technologies in Saudi Arabia

The biggest emerging IT market today has to be the one in the Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia, or KSA for short. One great example of the innovation that Saudi Arabia’s IT sector had was during the COVID-19 pandemic. It spurred the development of its own tracking app. With better data tracking and processing technology they were able to better coordinate the movement of their citizens and less inconvenience them during curfews. In Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 Policy the whole kingdom is planning on modernizing. With wide implementation of smart cities, hIgh-speed internet broadband technology as well as wide 5G mobile cell tower deployment the country is modernising fast. With the development of new technologies there is also a need for a  good software development process so it’s better implemented.  Let’s explore some of the ways the KSA is implementing the IT sector into its market.


Smart Government In The Clouds


Implementing the latest in cloud-based technologies KSA is digitising its entire bureaucracy. By implementing a paperless governmental program the officials can now exchange documents and any correspondence they may have between themselves in a much safer and environmentally friendly fashion. The plan is to have everyone who needs to use government services, whether it is a citizen or a visitor, use it in a safe and personalized way, and from any device that can access the internet.


AI Friendly


When it comes to AI and its implementation Saudi Arabia will definitely lead the way in the Middle East. With heavy investment in AI when it comes to solving its problems like transportation, the KSA is trying to build a greatly interconnected community that will be completely carbon neutral. With no cars or streets the government is investing $200 billion in its smart cities. The investment doesn’t only come in the

form of roads or infrastructure, but in manpower as well. Every student is now required to have knowledge or be prepared for new upcoming jobs that involve AI, like ethereum or bitcoin or any blockchain.


Broad 5G Coverage


 When talking about the future of the Internet we are definitely talking about mobile. No matter how we access the Internet (laptops, tablets or smartphones) mobility and accessibility is key. With more than 70% of KSA’s population under 40 a lot is expected from its shift to high speed all available Internet. One of the biggest benefactors will be the medical industry. By sending large image files quickly,  improved AR, VR a doctor from anywhere in the world can treat patients. This will revolutionize the way medicine is done in the Kingdom.


With a boom in the IT market in Saudi Arabia it is expected to reach USD 6.24 bn by 2024. The efforts to modernise the kingdom have great benefits when you start some things from scratch. Many sectors will see a growth in the upcoming years but the most important one will be the IT sector,  as it will oversee the implementation of all other sectors and manage them efficiently.