بوابة الوفد الإلكترونية
رئيس حزب الوفد
د.عبد السند يمامة
رئيس التحرير
د. وجدي زين الدين

أبوسعدة يشكو بوابة الوفد لمنظمات أمريكية

وزعت منظمات حقوقية أمريكية بيانا صحفيا يحتوى على نص رسالة إلكترونية مرسلة من حافظ أبو سعدة الناشط السياسى المصرى مدير المنظمة المصرية لحقوق الإنسان, يطالب فيها المنظمات الأمريكية بمساندة حملته ضد عدد من وسائل الإعلام التى نشرت وثائق التمويل الاجنبى.

جاءت "بوابة الوفد" ورئيس تحريرها عادل صبرى فى مقدمة الوسائل الإعلامية التى طالب أبو سعدة بمساندة منظمات حقوق الإنسان الأمريكية حملته ضدها, بالإضافة إلى موقع محيط, ووكالة أنباء امريكا إن أرابيك وكذلك ناشر وثائق ويكيليكس .
نص البيان
--- On Tue, 1/10/12, EOHR wrote:
From: EOHR
Subject: Statement of Abu Seada on the defamation campaign against various political activists
Date: Tuesday, January 10, 2012, 4:16 AM
Press release January 9, 2012
Statement of Abu Seada on the defamation campaign against various
political activists
On January 9, 2012, North Giza Prosecution General officially heard
the statement of Mr. Hafez Abu Seada, Attorney at Law, the head of the
Egyptian Organization for Human Rights (EOHR) on his complaint against
Al Wafd E-Gate represented by the Editor in Chief Adel Sabry and the
Arab Media Network (Moheet) represented by Salah Abdel Aziz Ibrahim
Bedewy in addition to America in Arabic represented by Emad Meki. The
abovementioned bodies published news entitled “Wikileaks uncovered
scandals of foreign financed entities”. The fake news included

purposed fabricated information on Wikileaks cable mentioning secret
US finance to political activists during the last few years in
addition to holding secret meetings with them in the US embassy in
Some of those activists mentioned within the news submitted official
complaints to the prosecution general office

to open investigation on
the incident. On January 3, 2012, Hafez Abu Seada, the head of the
Egyptian Organization for Human Rights (EOHR) filed the official
report no. 19, year 2012, to the prosecutor general office against the
Arab Media Network. The network published news distorts the image of a
group of prominent cultured people including the complainer, Hisham
Kasem, the founder of Al Masry Al Youm Newspaper, Osama Al Ghazali
Harb, member of the Journalist Syndicate, Professor Hassan Nafa, Hala
Mostafa, Journalist for Al Al Ahram Newspaper and Naser Amin, the head
of The Arab Center for Independence of the Judiciary and the Legal
Profession (ACIJLP), Centre Arabe de l’Indépendance des Avocats et
de la Magistrature. The news also included Mona Zolfakar, member of
the National Council for Human Rights and Barbara Saad, the American
wife of the political activist Saad El Din Ibrahim in addition to
Ahmed Sameh, the head of Andalus Center for Anti-violence Studies and
Amr Al Shobki, political analyst for Al Ahram Center for Strategic